
DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2024l Against All Odds: A year of dedication & hope
As we reflect on 2024, we are reminded of the strength and resilience that define Lebanon and its people. This year, Lebanon has faced numerous challenges— the war that swept through the region leaving its mark on countless lives, economic instability, social pressures, and ongoing struggles that test the fabric of our society. Yet, against all […]
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NO TO BULLYING: Syrian Refugees create a mobile app to prevent bullying in schools
After fleeing the war in Syria and arriving in Lebanon, four refugee boys had no hope for their academic future. Then, they stumbled upon an opportunity to participate in the Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) program by UNICEF in Bourj Hammoud, Beirut. Still uncertain whether or not they would develop any digital skills or achieve […]

DOT Lebanon in 2017
DOT Lebanon friends and partners, 2017 has been a very impactful year for DOT Lebanon! More than 3,000 children, youth, and adults from all genders, nationalities and regions are now empowered with new livelihood, entrepreneurship, and digital skills. In 2017 we worked with over 10 donors and more than 30 implementing partners across Lebanon to bridge the gender digital divide and provide […]