

DOT Lebanon 2023 Annual Report: Committed to Empowerment

  Reflecting our dedication: Our annual report, ‘Committed to Empowerment’ encapsulates our unwavering commitment to fostering positive change and empowerment in every aspect of our endeavors. This annual report serves as a testament to our ongoing journey towards creating meaningful impact and driving positive change. From highlighting the voices of those we’ve empowered to showcasing […]

Recent POSTS

Creating a better future through Digital Skills Development.

Finding a job after graduating is a real challenge that most Lebanese students face right after getting their university diplomas. That was the case of Diala and Chaza from the North area of Lebanon who graduated earlier this year. Diala has a Medical Lab degree, while Chaza has a Master’s degree in Biology.  After desperately […]


Online teaching: the 2020’s biggest challenge for Lebanese teachers!

With the spread of the covid-19 pandemic, the shift to online education became an urgent necessity. Digital and Media Literacy became important more than ever before. And that’s what Fatima expressed after improving her level of computer proficiency with DOT Lebanon. Globally, schools have closed their doors and adopted the online learning method. In some […]


Momsbite: Initiative empowering widowed women.

Widowed women are often marginalized and pictured as being dependent on their family-in-law. Although they try hard to reach their financial independence, they always face social and economic challenges. That’s why Mustafa decided to help them generate income while staying at home. This October, and during a Digital and Media Literacy (DML) online training course […]


Fighting drug addiction through digital technology!

Because drug addiction can affect more people than just the user and carries several complications and consequences impacting the quality of life of the person, Anas decided to develop a solution to help addicted youth and their parents. Drug addiction is increasing worldwide, a fact that threatens the life and well-being of a large number […]


!مشاريع شبابية تعزز سلامة الأطفال في محيطهم

الأطفال هم الأفراد الأكثر عرضة في المجتمع للعنف. فغالباً ما يتم استغلال ضعفهم بسبب صغر سنهم وخشيتهم من البوح بتعرضهم للإساءة. لهذا السبب قرر كل من أحمد، منتهى، سميرة ورامي بطرح فكرة تربط الأطفال بالجهات المختصة لمساعدتهم على مواجهة التعرضات العنفية. قد يتخذ العنف ضد الأطفال أشكالاً عديدة كالعنف الجسدي واللفظي والتحرش الجنسي، والتنمر السيبراني […]


مواهب تجتمع لخدمة المجتمع

تحويل الموهبة الى مهنة غالبًا ما تنتج أعمال ناجحة. فتنشأ مشاريع ابتكارية فريدة من نوعها بالشكل والمضمون. والأفضل هي تلك المشاريع التي تضع الموهبة بخدمة المجتمع. هذا ما قامت به مجموعة من الشابات في جنوب لبنان لتقديم خدمات خلاقة لإنتاج الحفلات في محيطهن. يبدأ كل مشروع بفكرة بهدف الاستجابة لمتطلبات الأفراد، وذلك من خلال تقديم […]


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