

DOT Lebanon 2023 Annual Report: Committed to Empowerment

  Reflecting our dedication: Our annual report, ‘Committed to Empowerment’ encapsulates our unwavering commitment to fostering positive change and empowerment in every aspect of our endeavors. This annual report serves as a testament to our ongoing journey towards creating meaningful impact and driving positive change. From highlighting the voices of those we’ve empowered to showcasing […]

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Social initiatives for community growth.

Socially responsible youths are the ones who create their opportunities and contribute to a better world. They learn and enhance their skills to develop sustainable initiatives and help their community members become productive. This is how Ghada and Haneen decided to launch their project and help other young girls and women. Lebanese rural areas have […]


Food waste management made easier through digital solutions!

In a world where hunger rates are on the rise, initiatives to reduce food losses are always created to help communities in need. That’s what 5 Lebanese youth did to facilitate food waste management between associations and caterers and make an impact in their communities. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United […]


Medical Care: خدمة مجانية لتسهيل معاملاتك ومواعيدك الطبّية

لا تزال فئات عديدة من المجتمع اللبناني تعاني من عدم توفر خدمات طبية تؤّمن لهم المعلومات العامة لإدارة معاملاتهم الصحيّة. لذلك قامت مجموعة من الشباب بتنفيذ تطبيق هاتفي بمثابة حل ينظّم ويساعد المريض على متابعة ملفه الطبي ومواعيده مع الأطباء والمراكز الصحيّة الأقرب إليه. في الواقع، الوصول الى دليل شامل للمعلومات في القطاع الطبّي غير […]


!مراهقون ينشرون التوعية حول مخاطر الانترنت

انتشرت في الاونة الأخيرة ظاهرة التنمر من خلال الشبكة الرقمية وباتت الأذية سهلة وسريعة من خلال مجموعات مستترة وراء شاشتها. لذلك قررت مجموعة من المراهقين إبتكار حل يساعد في نشر التوعية حول هذه النزعة بين زملائهم. يتعرض الآف المراهقين يومياً للتنمر السيبراني والابتزاز الجنسي والمعنوي من خلال مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي فضلاً على مشاهدتهم لمحتويات غير […]


DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2019

2019, the year of outstanding impact! 2019 was an impactful year! By joining our efforts and sharing our values with dedicated people, we were able to reach 2,364 beneficiaries nationwide and empowered 1,372 girls to become digitally abled. And because we believe in the power of youth, especially those with special needs, we developed and adapted […]


Raising a new generation of social entrepreneurs

Aiming towards empowering youth and helping them become leaders able to transform their communities through innovative solutions, DOT Lebanon delivers digital and social entrepreneurship training programs enabling participants to kick start social enterprises with a mission to resolve economic, educational, environmental and other social challenges. For the second year in a row, and following its […]


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