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DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2022

2022: A year of Expansion and Creation! 2022 was a year of endless possibilities that lie ahead of us, and the boundless potential for growth and innovation. As we look to the future, expansion and creation are not only about increasing our reach, they are also about constantly pushing ourselves to think bigger and to […]

DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2021

2021: A year of learning! We learned to overcome our fear of “Digital” and adapted it to our everyday life.  And despite all uncertainties, we learned to shift our mindset while prioritizing our values and we adopted digital transformation tools and processes to enhance our collaborations and create a positive impact in our communities. Together […]

DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2020

2020: The year that sparked the big debate! 2020 was anything but an easy year. Some would argue it was ‘the worst year of their lives’, while hopefuls say that ‘they finally got a chance to take a step back, slow down and enjoy life like never before.’ Together with our partners, DOT Lebanon was […]

Fighting drug addiction through digital technology!

Because drug addiction can affect more people than just the user and carries several complications and consequences impacting the quality of life of the person, Anas decided to develop a solution to help addicted youth and their parents. Drug addiction is increasing worldwide, a fact that threatens the life and well-being of a large number […]

مواهب تجتمع لخدمة المجتمع

تحويل الموهبة الى مهنة غالبًا ما تنتج أعمال ناجحة. فتنشأ مشاريع ابتكارية فريدة من نوعها بالشكل والمضمون. والأفضل هي تلك المشاريع التي تضع الموهبة بخدمة المجتمع. هذا ما قامت به مجموعة من الشابات في جنوب لبنان لتقديم خدمات خلاقة لإنتاج الحفلات في محيطهن. يبدأ كل مشروع بفكرة بهدف الاستجابة لمتطلبات الأفراد، وذلك من خلال تقديم […]

Social initiatives for community growth.

Socially responsible youths are the ones who create their opportunities and contribute to a better world. They learn and enhance their skills to develop sustainable initiatives and help their community members become productive. This is how Ghada and Haneen decided to launch their project and help other young girls and women. Lebanese rural areas have […]

Food waste management made easier through digital solutions!

In a world where hunger rates are on the rise, initiatives to reduce food losses are always created to help communities in need. That’s what 5 Lebanese youth did to facilitate food waste management between associations and caterers and make an impact in their communities. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United […]

Medical Care: خدمة مجانية لتسهيل معاملاتك ومواعيدك الطبّية

لا تزال فئات عديدة من المجتمع اللبناني تعاني من عدم توفر خدمات طبية تؤّمن لهم المعلومات العامة لإدارة معاملاتهم الصحيّة. لذلك قامت مجموعة من الشباب بتنفيذ تطبيق هاتفي بمثابة حل ينظّم ويساعد المريض على متابعة ملفه الطبي ومواعيده مع الأطباء والمراكز الصحيّة الأقرب إليه. في الواقع، الوصول الى دليل شامل للمعلومات في القطاع الطبّي غير […]

!مراهقون ينشرون التوعية حول مخاطر الانترنت

انتشرت في الاونة الأخيرة ظاهرة التنمر من خلال الشبكة الرقمية وباتت الأذية سهلة وسريعة من خلال مجموعات مستترة وراء شاشتها. لذلك قررت مجموعة من المراهقين إبتكار حل يساعد في نشر التوعية حول هذه النزعة بين زملائهم. يتعرض الآف المراهقين يومياً للتنمر السيبراني والابتزاز الجنسي والمعنوي من خلال مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي فضلاً على مشاهدتهم لمحتويات غير […]

DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2019

2019, the year of outstanding impact! 2019 was an impactful year! By joining our efforts and sharing our values with dedicated people, we were able to reach 2,364 beneficiaries nationwide and empowered 1,372 girls to become digitally abled. And because we believe in the power of youth, especially those with special needs, we developed and adapted […]

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