No Deafference

Communication is a simple act of exchanging messages between people. Yet, some other people struggle with understanding and conveying messages as a result of their hearing impairments. That’s why Hiba decided to help those people ...

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Creating a better future through Digital Skills Development.

Finding a job after graduating is a real challenge that most Lebanese students face right after getting their university diplomas. That was the case of Diala and Chaza from the North area of Lebanon who graduated earlier this year. Diala has a Medical Lab degree, while Chaza has a Master’s degree in Biology.  After desperately looking for a job that fits their competencies and knowledge, they have decided to explore new fields that might help them generate income. That’s why they decided to join the Digital and Media Literacy training program delivered in Dannieh by DOT Lebanon within the Local Development Program for urban areas in the North of Lebanon in partnership with GIZ. During this training, the girls acquired new skills in ...

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Momsbite: Initiative empowering widowed women.

Widowed women are often marginalized and pictured as being dependent on their family-in-law. Although they try hard to reach their financial independence, they always face social and economic challenges. That’s why Mustafa decided to help them generate income while staying at home. This October, and during a Digital and Media Literacy (DML) online training course held in Nahr El Bared in the North area of Lebanon, within the Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) program by UNICEF, we met Mustafa, an 18-year old university student who has shown so much motivation and commitment during the sessions. Thanks to the new skills acquired in the DML program, he improved the way he studies and became able to help his classmates create ...

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!مشاريع شبابية تعزز سلامة الأطفال في محيطهم

الأطفال هم الأفراد الأكثر عرضة في ...

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مواهب تجتمع لخدمة المجتمع

تحويل الموهبة الى مهنة غالبًا ما تنتج أعمال ناجحة. فتنشأ مشاريع ابتكارية فريدة من نوعها بالشكل والمضمون. والأفضل هي تلك المشاريع التي ...

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Social initiatives for community growth.

Socially responsible youths are the ones who create their opportunities and contribute to a better world. They learn and enhance their ...

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Food waste management made easier through digital solutions!

In a world where hunger rates are on the rise, initiatives to reduce food losses are always created to help communities in need. That’s ...

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Medical Care: خدمة مجانية لتسهيل معاملاتك ومواعيدك الطبّية

لا تزال فئات عديدة من المجتمع اللبناني تعاني من عدم توفر خدمات طبية تؤّمن لهم المعلومات العامة لإدارة معاملاتهم الصحيّة. لذلك قامت مجموعة من الشباب بتنفيذ تطبيق هاتفي بمثابة حل ينظّم ويساعد المريض على متابعة ملفه الطبي ومواعيده مع الأطباء والمراكز الصحيّة الأقرب إليه. في الواقع، الوصول الى دليل شامل للمعلومات في القطاع الطبّي غير متاح للكثير من الفئات المجتمعية في لبنان، لا سيما المهمّشة منها. فيصعب عليهم إيجاد أطبّاء كفوئين للحصول على معاينات أو إستشارات صحيّة، كما أنهم يعجزون في بعض الأحيان عن العثور على مركز طبّي قريب  يقصدونه في ...

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!مراهقون ينشرون التوعية حول مخاطر الانترنت

انتشرت في الاونة الأخيرة ظاهرة ...

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DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2019

2019, the year of outstanding impact! 2019 was an impactful year! By joining our efforts and sharing our values with dedicated people, we were able to reach 2,364 beneficiaries nationwide and empowered 1,372 girls to become ...

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