

DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2024

DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2024l Against All Odds: A year of dedication & hope

As we reflect on 2024, we are reminded of the strength and resilience that define Lebanon and its people. This year, Lebanon has faced numerous challenges— the war that swept through the region leaving its mark on countless lives, economic instability, social pressures, and ongoing struggles that test the fabric of our society. Yet, against all […]

Recent POSTS

The only way to be ready for a job in the future: self-education

With the development of technology and learning resources, lessons and seminars are no longer restricted to classrooms. They are now accessible to every student through different mediums and devices, allowing them to develop themselves constantly regardless of any timeframe. Self-education and development are ongoing processes with a range of benefits that lie in the skills […]


United by a common language: technology for the hearing impaired

Communication is what makes the human connection stronger. In a world where connecting with others is becoming simpler and faster, there are people who still struggle to deliver their ideas. For those individuals, four daring social innovators have a solution. Abdel Razzak, Mahmoud, Mariam, and Mohamad decided to launch a new initiative aiming to help […]


Learning Challenges overcame through technology.

Reaching one’s objectives is a matter of challenging limits and never giving up. Despite the learning obstacles that can be faced, planning to succeed is what makes success happen. That was the case of Ahmad, a 17-year-old from the Bekaa area who has defeated his learning disabilities and proved his willingness to learn and improve […]


Technology at the service of visually impaired people

Innovation made visible to everyone!

Despite living in a world where the ease of access to technology and innovation is steadily increasing, there are still a large number of crippling obstacles. Luckily, there are #DOTYouth who are daring innovators in their communities, working to implement digital practices and initiatives for better inclusion of sightless patients in society!   An estimated […]


The Journey of a Social Entrepreneur

With a mission to empower youth to lead impactful change in their communities, DOT Lebanon develops and delivers training programs in Social Entrepreneurship that allow participants to develop innovations that aim to resolve social challenges around them. The training consists of multiple layers including, design thinking, basic project landscaping, market assessments, pitch preparation and field […]


Cyberbullying – التنّمر من خلال مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

Cyberbullying – التنّمر من خلال مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي !تبدو مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي كسيف ذي حدّين ففي حين تلعب دورًا أساسيًا في تسهيل الاتصال بين الأطراف حول العالم، وتفعيل عمل الشركات والنشاطات الاجتماعية والفنية، وجمع وجهات النّظر حول مواضيع انسانية ومجتمعية وسياسية، تشكّل هذه المواقع خطرًا ملحوظًا ينمو يومًا بعد يوم بين أفراد .المجتمع لا سيّما […]
