
DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2024l Against All Odds: A year of dedication & hope
As we reflect on 2024, we are reminded of the strength and resilience that define Lebanon and its people. This year, Lebanon has faced numerous challenges— the war that swept through the region leaving its mark on countless lives, economic instability, social pressures, and ongoing struggles that test the fabric of our society. Yet, against all […]
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!مراهقون ينشرون التوعية حول مخاطر الانترنت
انتشرت في الاونة الأخيرة ظاهرة التنمر من خلال الشبكة الرقمية وباتت الأذية سهلة وسريعة من خلال مجموعات مستترة وراء شاشتها. لذلك قررت مجموعة من المراهقين إبتكار حل يساعد في نشر التوعية حول هذه النزعة بين زملائهم. يتعرض الآف المراهقين يومياً للتنمر السيبراني والابتزاز الجنسي والمعنوي من خلال مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي فضلاً على مشاهدتهم لمحتويات غير […]

DOT Lebanon Annual Report 2019
2019, the year of outstanding impact! 2019 was an impactful year! By joining our efforts and sharing our values with dedicated people, we were able to reach 2,364 beneficiaries nationwide and empowered 1,372 girls to become digitally abled. And because we believe in the power of youth, especially those with special needs, we developed and adapted […]

Raising a new generation of social entrepreneurs
Aiming towards empowering youth and helping them become leaders able to transform their communities through innovative solutions, DOT Lebanon delivers digital and social entrepreneurship training programs enabling participants to kick start social enterprises with a mission to resolve economic, educational, environmental and other social challenges. For the second year in a row, and following its […]

Small environmental solutions with a powerful impact.
Protecting the environment has become a global challenge in the past few years. While the planet Earth is encountering environmental damages and alterations, Asma’a, Batoul, Hiba, and Zakia from Lebanon decided to launch an initiative to reduce waste and contribute to the protection of nature in their own community. According to the World Health Organization, […]

Advanced mobile applications designed by marginalized youth to cover day to day aspects and make an impact.
We’re living in an era where everyone is connected to the internet. Everyone has unlimited access to technology, products, and services through smartphones and devices. This is why a group of youth created a range of digital and advanced solutions serving their community. Nowadays, it’s easier for organizations, municipalities, and businesses to reach their audiences […]

.وجودهن في مجتمعٍ ذكوري لم يمنعهن من الإبتكار
.شابات دوت تجرأن على كسر حواجز محيطهن من خلال خلق مبادرة تمنح المرأة الجنوبية فرصة لتطوير نفسها والتمويه عن ضغوطات الحياة اليومية في الوقت عينه .في حين بدأت الفروقات الجندرية بالتقلّص من حول العالم، لا تزال معززة في مجتمعات عديدة لا سيما الشرقية منها .لذلك تسعى الجمعيات والفعاليات الحقوقية إلى تفعيل دور المرأة ومكانتها من […]