1 social entrepreneurship Archives - DOT | Lebanon

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DOT Lebanon participates at the Youth Leadership Programme.

Partnering with the UNDP for the 3rd year in a row, DOT Lebanon supported youth through the 6th edition of the Youth Leadership Programme (YLP6) to help them become entrepreneurs able to transform their communities. Delivering digital and social entrepreneurship training programs, DOT Lebanon supported YLP’s participants to come up with innovative solutions serving the […]

No Deafference

Communication is a simple act of exchanging messages between people. Yet, some other people struggle with understanding and conveying messages as a result of their hearing impairments. That’s why Hiba decided to help those people through a mobile application. Over 466 million people across the world suffer from hearing difficulties according to the World Health […]

Creating a better future through Digital Skills Development.

Finding a job after graduating is a real challenge that most Lebanese students face right after getting their university diplomas. That was the case of Diala and Chaza from the North area of Lebanon who graduated earlier this year. Diala has a Medical Lab degree, while Chaza has a Master’s degree in Biology.  After desperately […]

Momsbite: Initiative empowering widowed women.

Widowed women are often marginalized and pictured as being dependent on their family-in-law. Although they try hard to reach their financial independence, they always face social and economic challenges. That’s why Mustafa decided to help them generate income while staying at home. This October, and during a Digital and Media Literacy (DML) online training course […]

Fighting drug addiction through digital technology!

Because drug addiction can affect more people than just the user and carries several complications and consequences impacting the quality of life of the person, Anas decided to develop a solution to help addicted youth and their parents. Drug addiction is increasing worldwide, a fact that threatens the life and well-being of a large number […]

Raising a new generation of social entrepreneurs

Aiming towards empowering youth and helping them become leaders able to transform their communities through innovative solutions, DOT Lebanon delivers digital and social entrepreneurship training programs enabling participants to kick start social enterprises with a mission to resolve economic, educational, environmental and other social challenges. For the second year in a row, and following its […]

Small environmental solutions with a powerful impact.

Protecting the environment has become a global challenge in the past few years. While the planet Earth is encountering environmental damages and alterations, Asma’a, Batoul, Hiba, and Zakia from Lebanon decided to launch an initiative to reduce waste and contribute to the protection of nature in their own community. According to the World Health Organization, […]

.وجودهن في مجتمعٍ ذكوري لم يمنعهن من الإبتكار

.شابات دوت تجرأن على كسر حواجز محيطهن من خلال خلق مبادرة تمنح المرأة الجنوبية فرصة لتطوير نفسها والتمويه عن ضغوطات الحياة اليومية في الوقت عينه .في حين بدأت الفروقات الجندرية بالتقلّص من حول العالم، لا تزال معززة في مجتمعات عديدة لا سيما الشرقية منها .لذلك تسعى الجمعيات والفعاليات الحقوقية إلى تفعيل دور المرأة ومكانتها من […]

United by a common language: technology for the hearing impaired

Communication is what makes the human connection stronger. In a world where connecting with others is becoming simpler and faster, there are people who still struggle to deliver their ideas. For those individuals, four daring social innovators have a solution. Abdel Razzak, Mahmoud, Mariam, and Mohamad decided to launch a new initiative aiming to help […]

The Journey of a Social Entrepreneur

With a mission to empower youth to lead impactful change in their communities, DOT Lebanon develops and delivers training programs in Social Entrepreneurship that allow participants to develop innovations that aim to resolve social challenges around them. The training consists of multiple layers including, design thinking, basic project landscaping, market assessments, pitch preparation and field […]