DOT Lebanon participates at the Youth Leadership Programme.

Partnering with the UNDP for the 3rd year in a row, DOT Lebanon supported youth through the 6th edition of the Youth Leadership Programme (YLP6) to help them become entrepreneurs able to transform their communities.

Delivering digital and social entrepreneurship training programs, DOT Lebanon supported YLP’s participants to come up with innovative solutions serving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The training program, specially designed for the YLP, tackled several topics ranging from ideation and prototyping to market research and assessment, elaboration of business plans and budgets, and pitching.

This year was exceptional to DOT Lebanon and to all the candidates as it carried many challenges such as the spread of the covid-19 pandemic accompanied by a shift to online training, the social and economic crisis and the tragic Beirut blast which caused damages of all kinds to many participants. Despite these unusual circumstances, the YLP 6 candidates were excited more than ever. They were willing to overcome the challenges they’re facing in their everyday lives through creativity and innovation.

Although it was a tough year, the youth showed resilience, ambition, dedication, and courage. Their commitment to a better Lebanon against all ordeals is remarkable. After four months of virtual training with ups and downs, nothing stopped them and nothing will stop their journey of innovation and entrepreneurship. What a journey! Said Marwa Harb, DOT Lebanon’s Trainer at the YLP.

The program shortlisted ideas answering social and economic challenges in Lebanon while responding to the SDGs. The shortlisted youth were trained to transform their ideas into real projects that they pitched in front of a jury of experts and entrepreneurs.

15 projects presented by DOT Lebanon’s candidates were qualified for the national finals. The finalists tackled different SGDs such as good health and well-being, quality education, affordable and clean energy, gender equality, industry and infrastructure, and others.

The training with DOT Lebanon was impressive and productive. The trainers were very supportive and helped us in every step of the YLP journey. Said Mohamad Chaaban when asked about his experience at the YLP.

Winner of the 6th edition of the program, Mohamad Chaaban developed MCI: a smart device connected between the main adapter and the USB cable to control the charging process automatically and communicate the status of the phone through a mobile application. The device prevents overcharging and overheating and increases the battery lifespan of up to 4 years. It is also able to detect and inform the user of any malfunction in the adapter.

DOT Lebanon believes in the importance of reaching the SDGs by 2030. That’s why the learning and technology unit continuously works on upgrading the social entrepreneurship training programs to better answer the evolving society and its challenges.

Do you have a creative idea that would make a positive impact in your community? Let us hear from you through our social media channels.

Are you our next Community Leader, Digital Champion, or Social Innovator? Learn more about how to join #DOTYouth

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