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Momsbite: Initiative empowering widowed women.

Widowed women are often marginalized and pictured as being dependent on their family-in-law. Although they try hard to reach their financial independence, they always face social and economic challenges. That’s why Mustafa decided to help them generate income while staying at home. This October, and during a Digital and Media Literacy (DML) online training course […]

!مشاريع شبابية تعزز سلامة الأطفال في محيطهم

الأطفال هم الأفراد الأكثر عرضة في المجتمع للعنف. فغالباً ما يتم استغلال ضعفهم بسبب صغر سنهم وخشيتهم من البوح بتعرضهم للإساءة. لهذا السبب قرر كل من أحمد، منتهى، سميرة ورامي بطرح فكرة تربط الأطفال بالجهات المختصة لمساعدتهم على مواجهة التعرضات العنفية. قد يتخذ العنف ضد الأطفال أشكالاً عديدة كالعنف الجسدي واللفظي والتحرش الجنسي، والتنمر السيبراني […]

Social initiatives for community growth.

Socially responsible youths are the ones who create their opportunities and contribute to a better world. They learn and enhance their skills to develop sustainable initiatives and help their community members become productive. This is how Ghada and Haneen decided to launch their project and help other young girls and women. Lebanese rural areas have […]

!مراهقون ينشرون التوعية حول مخاطر الانترنت

انتشرت في الاونة الأخيرة ظاهرة التنمر من خلال الشبكة الرقمية وباتت الأذية سهلة وسريعة من خلال مجموعات مستترة وراء شاشتها. لذلك قررت مجموعة من المراهقين إبتكار حل يساعد في نشر التوعية حول هذه النزعة بين زملائهم. يتعرض الآف المراهقين يومياً للتنمر السيبراني والابتزاز الجنسي والمعنوي من خلال مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي فضلاً على مشاهدتهم لمحتويات غير […]

Small environmental solutions with a powerful impact.

Protecting the environment has become a global challenge in the past few years. While the planet Earth is encountering environmental damages and alterations, Asma’a, Batoul, Hiba, and Zakia from Lebanon decided to launch an initiative to reduce waste and contribute to the protection of nature in their own community. According to the World Health Organization, […]

Advanced mobile applications designed by marginalized youth to cover day to day aspects and make an impact.

We’re living in an era where everyone is connected to the internet. Everyone has unlimited access to technology, products, and services through smartphones and devices. This is why a group of youth created a range of digital and advanced solutions serving their community. Nowadays, it’s easier for organizations, municipalities, and businesses to reach their audiences […]

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